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Copyright in Vietnam

Writer: pham Jenniferpham Jennifer

Copyright means the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works including software, database, technical drawings, maps, books, music, paintings, photograph, architecture, sculpture, and films, advertisements…

Copyright in Vietnam

Developing countries tend to have lower IP indexes than developed countries. However, with the integration into the global economy through signing trade agreements, the bar for protection of life sciences IP, copyrighted content online, and enforcement against IP theft have been raised in developing countries including Vietnam because it realizes the benefits it brings. Hence, Vietnam has reviewed and changed its IP law in a way that better protect copyrights in Vietnam.

We are a copyright consultant in Vietnam with lawyers having suitable qualifications and experience to assist client from application, protection, and dispute handling process.

ANT Lawyers IP practice offers client in protecting and enforcing copyrights and similar intellectual property rights in Vietnam as following:

-Advise legal matters of copyright and related rights in Vietnam and abroad;

-Conduct searches and provide information on copyright and related rights, advice measures to protect copyright and related rights in Vietnam and abroad;

-Complete the applications and file to register copyright and related rights;

-Enforce the copyright and related rights, including investigation, supervision, negotiation, mediation, lawsuit initiation to handle infringement in Vietnam and oversea.

It is important to register copyrights in Vietnam for better protection hence our IP attorney at ANT Lawyers always strive our best to provide copyright registration services in Vietnam to client.


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